Puppy Package

A One-Time Special Offer (Only For The Next 15 Minutes).


As a very big thank-you for adding my ‘Puppy Training Made Easy’ DVD to your cart, I have a ‘too good to be true’ one-time special dog training offer for you…

But it’s only available for the next 15 minutes…

Watch the short video below for the details:

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This is what you’ll get in this special dog training package…


Dog Training Item Number 1 – That’s The Puppy For Me! CD and E-Book – Normally Priced at £11.98.


That's the puppy for Me! CD and discIn this CD and E-Book I explain the following:

  • What to look for when choosing a breeder.
  • What characteristics to look for when choosing the right puppy.
  • What to do before bringing your puppy home.
  • How to best introduce your puppy to an existing dog.
  • Advice on how to avoid the first night crying.
  • Tips on toilet training and how to best socialize your puppy.
  • Advice on how to avoid separation anxiety developing as well as guidance regarding puppies and exercise.
  • And much more…


Dog Training Item Number 2 – How To Be The Owner Your Dog Is Looking For … NATURALLY – This product is usually old sold for £97.00.


Getting a puppy is such an exciting time, puppies are so adorable and bring great fun into the home. During this time it’s easy to overlook how critical this time is for your puppy’s development and what you do now will have a direct affect on what type of dog your puppy becomes. Your puppy is learning good and bad behaviours every day and it’s so important to give them the right communication and training now in order to prevent things going wrong down the line.

This is why I created the ‘Be The Owner Your Dog Is Looking For…Naturally’ programme.

Leadership programe with discs

The good news is it’s not as difficult as it might seem to give your puppy the right communication so they grow into a happy and well-behaved and well-balanced dog. Dogs need simple, clear and concise communication it’s just about knowing what to do and how to do it. When you understand your dog’s language and how to meet their needs and expectations the results are often amazing, quick and long lasting.

In this programme you’ll get:

  • 7 videos, 7 transcripts and numerous videos that show you exactly how to do the methods discussed. After completing this you’ll know EXACTLY what to do when unwanted behaviour happens.

In each video I explain and show you step-by-step proven methods that prevent or resolve unwanted behaviours such as:

  • Pulling on the lead
  • Dog Aggression
  • Incessant barking
  • Separation Anxiety
  • Jumping Up
  • And much much more…

I explain why these behaviours occur and how you can avoid or change them in a kind, calm and effective way.


Dog Training Item Number 3 – Leadership first, then affection double CD and E-Book – Normally Priced at £15.98.


Leadership first then affection CD imageConvincing your dog that you are the pack leader prevents or resolves numerous unwanted dog behaviours.

In this easy to follow book and double CD you’ll discover where your dog looks for leadership and how easily you can meet THEIR expectations.

Also, you will learn about dog psychology and how it differs from human psychology which is the key for a happy and well balanced dog.

Dogs need simple, clear, concise communication, no prior dog experience or degrees are needed for you to successfully do this!


Dog Training Item Number 4 – Dog Training Secrets For Amazing Results – Normally Priced at £14.99.


Dog Training Secrets Full Photo With DiscThis DVD perfectly compliments the ‘Puppy Training Made Easy’ DVD that is already in your shopping cart.

Find out the exact methods I use that has turned so many stressed out dogs (and owners!) into happy and well behaved pooches FAST!

I show you step by step, simple, quick and proven techniques with clear explanations and demonstrations that resolves or prevents SO MANY unwanted behaviours such as:

  • Pulling on the lead
  • Dog Aggression
  • Barking
  • Separation Anxiety
  • Jumping up
  • And Much More…

To watch a preview of the ‘Dog Training Secrets for Amazing Results’ DVD just click on the video below:

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OK, So What’s The Price?

As you can see, I’ve packed so much value in here that by the end of it you’ll literally be a dog expert!

In fact, many of these products are not available separately.

While others are usually only offered to my VIP members.

But I wanted something EXTRA special for you 🙂

So I’ve decided not to charge the regular price of over £140 but for the next 15 minutes you can get all these special dog training items for just £34.99.


Because at Good Dogs! we are not happy unless you are completely happy this special offer comes with a 14 day money back guarantee. That’s right you’ve got 14 days to try all the goodies and if they have not been helpful to you just let us know and we’ll refund your money, no questions asked 🙂

This is what people say who have used the kind and gentle methods that I share in this package:

Vicky Townshend, Brighton Sussex

After a few weeks of applying Sharon ’s methods, Henry and I are much more relaxed with each other and he has calmed down considerably. I would not hesitate to recommend Sharon Bolt to anyone struggling with a canine calamity. Money very well spent.

Rose Pattenden, Crawley Sussex

I just had to write to say thank you. Since your visit I have got my lovely dog, Bonnie, and my life back! Peace reigns! Your technique works like magic, it is a miracle! (and worth every penny!) I couldn’t be more pleased.

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To get this special Dog Training package for a one time investment of £34.99 (plus £7.50 for the Puppy Training Made Easy DVD) just click on the ‘Add To Cart’ Button below.


No Thanks, I just want the Puppy Training Made Easy DVD.

Please remember this comes with a 14 day money back guarantee and is only available for 15 minutes, it’s a one-time offer and will disappear forever once the 15 minutes has expired.

Please note: This package is only offered in conjunction with purchasing the ‘Puppy Training Made Easy’ DVD and is not sold separately.