My name is Sharon Bolt, I’m a dog behaviour expert and founder of Good Dogs!
Welcome to my Press Kit Website.
Please feel free to use any of the press releases and articles or download any of the photos and images on this site for your article or feature.
When using this information I ask that you include the following:
1) Please quote me as: Sharon Bolt – Dog Behaviour Expert.
2) Please include my website address in the feature, which is:
3) For print media or online publications please send a quick email to the address below saying when the feature will be printed or updated online so we can read or get a copy.
Thank you 🙂
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A little bit about me…
I’m pleased to say that I know all about puppies and dogs. It was a case of having to when I got 2, 8 week old male parson terrier (a bit like Jack Russells but with longer legs!) puppies.
I was told by numerous dog trainers that I had the worst case scenario and that the puppies would do what they wanted, when they wanted and would fight for the ‘top dog’ position. They explained that it would get really nasty and I would very likely need to re-home one of them.
I was devastated and was on a mission to prove everyone wrong!
I’m happy to say that was 10 years ago. Today ‘the boys!’ are happy, well behaved and fun loving dogs.
Never once has there been a cross word between them, they are best friends and are clear about their position within the household.
Watch these short videos below to see me and ‘the boys!’ in action.
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I have lots of fun and wonderful tricks with my dogs but this is my ultimate ‘party piece!’ Watch carefully and you’ll be amazed at what they do behind my back when I change direction.