Buy A Licence With Private Label Rights (PLR) For Top Quality Dog Related Courses – By Celebrity Dog Trainer Sharon Bolt

You can buy a licence for our courses, sell them on your website, and keep all of your earnings for life!



How to Become a Professional Dog Trainer and Have a Dog Training Career

Get the knowledge, confidence and dog training methods needed in order to become a professional dog trainer and help your dog/s, rescue centres/dog pounds and other dog owners with their doggy dilemmas with easy dog training techniques.

Realize your dreams, learn simple and highly effective dog training methods, become a professional dog trainer and make a difference in the world with this course.

Here’s what people say about this course:

“This course gives you all you need to know to become a successful trainer. I am retired and now train dogs in my community and customers come to me by word of mouth. Thanks to this course, I am making a lot of extra cash in my retirement.”

Alden Morrison

“This is an excellent introduction to dog training and behavior. The lectures are well presented and easy to understand. They are reinforced with good quality videos as teaching points. I recommend this course to anyone with an interest in dog training and behavior.

Bill Green

“This course covered a lot of things that I didn’t even think about! The little and the big things! Thank you so much! I really enjoyed this course! I could not put it down!”

Lauren Ann Wilson

The one time payment for lifetime private label rights, including any future updates, for this course is – £1,497.00

How to Run a Successful Dog Training or Dog Related Business

Get the business knowledge, confidence and marketing information you need in order to run a successful dog training or dog related business. Learn how to attract your ideal clients and be paid top prices for your products and services.

Have a profitable dog training business, work with dogs and make a difference in the world with this course.

Here’s what people say about this course:

“An absolutely brilliant course with loads of incredibly useful tips that you can apply to any business you’re in. Well structured and with a fantastic verbal content. Both thumbs up, thank you Sharon!”

Aga Grandowicz

“Sharon has, once again, provided a wealth of information in this course. Her tips and techniques apply to any business, not just dog training. She offers a vast amount of information that will get you started in your own venture.

The course is organized well, with good resources available. Thank you, Sharon Bolt!”

Sheila C

“Sharon is an excellent teacher! Everything was very well explained and made simple. I learned so much and can’t wait to get my business launched using her methods!”

Heather Herrera

The one time payment for lifetime private label rights, including any future updates, for this course is – £1,497.00


How to Stop Dog Barking Using Easy Dog Training Methods

During this dog training course you’ll discover how to communicate to your dog in a language they understand and learn the calm and confident words and dog training methods that quickly stop incessant barking at the front door, back yard/garden and even at the post person/mail person.

In this dog training course you’ll also learn how to integrate dogs that bark at cats by using an amazing and easy to do ‘De-sensitizing Technique.’ This simple dog training method changes unwanted excitable reactions to balanced behaviours when there is a ‘trigger’ such as cats, birds, noises etc.

Here’s what people say about this course:

“Energy is everything. The calm, assertive, almost non-verbal approach to leading the dog works perfectly. Sharon exemplifies this energy in a brilliant manner in the videos. I have learned so much. I use her techniques daily in my job as a dogwalker walking eight dogs. Thank you, Sharon, you are a beautiful dog genius.”

Charlotte Stenaae

“Sharon does an excellent job at providing excellent examples and how to change the behavior. I am loving her lecture series.”

Suzanne Brean

“I really enjoy Sharon’s instruction method. She is very easy to follow and learn from. Her classes are very to the point and not drawn out with a lot of unnecessary detail. I will be taking more of her classes. :)”

Linda Biagini

The one time payment for lifetime private label rights, including any future updates, for this course is £997.00

Leash Training – Simple Dog Training Methods That Work Fast!

Learning the right dog training methods is vital when you want to get your dog to walk calmly by your side and for getting them to come back when called off leash.  The good news is that dog training is not difficult to do when you understand your dog’s language and tick their boxes in a kind and gentle way. During this dog training course you’ll learn exactly how to do this. You’ll also learn how to be your dog’s pack leader in this area plus get the knowledge, tools and easy methods you need in order to have a happy, well behaved and well balanced dog.

Here’s what people say about this course:

“Just finished the course, and applied just a few methods during our afternoon walk and it worked marvelously. Maybe old dogs can learn new tricks after all :)”

Eddison Paguia

“The lease training was an incredibly simple solution and I was doing it all wrong. Ignorance is NOT bliss, and does not help the puppy or dog to understand what I what them to do. Now that I am doing it correctly, the issues I created are gone and we are communicating much more effectively and have better walks. Thank you.”

David Dingman

“I’m really pleased I signed up for this course. I’ve struggled for a long time with my dog pulling on the leash and now he’s walking by my side – I can’t believe it! Sharon is a great teacher and she explains what to do clearly and then demonstrates what to do with actual people and their dogs. If you have a dog who pulls on the leash then this will be a perfect course for you!”

Michael McDonald

The one time payment for lifetime private label rights, including any future updates, for this course is £997.00

A Step-by-Step Guide for Stopping Dog Attacks

In this dog training – stop dog attacks course you’ll learn simple dog training methods that integrate dogs who are aggressive with other dogs, be able to recognize dominant and submissive signals and prevent attacks from happening.

Learn the Simple, Clear, Concise Communication And Dog Training Methods Which Dogs Love that Stops:

* Dog aggression with other dogs.
* Dominant and challenging behaviour.
* Lunging, growling and barking.
* Dog attacks.

This is what people say about this course:

“This is the fourth course I have taken and I am very satisfied with the results I have got from my own dog, but also my neighbors. Having taken four of her courses speaks for itself in recommending the course to others.”

Al Morrison

“Wonderful course. Has a lot of great information and explains exactly what you should do with your aggressive dog in just about any given situation to help it.”

Heather Kahn

“Fantastic Course! I have two JRT’s a female that is deaf from birth and her brother; so I can relate with all the issues. I am putting into practice what I have learned so far and it’s working like MAGIC! 2 JRT’s are a challenge but not impossible! they are smart little guys! On to my next course with Sharon 🙂 Thank you so, so much for all your help!”

Leilani Moisa

The one time payment for lifetime private label rights, including any future updates, for this course is £997.00

Puppies – an A-Z Guide to Puppy Training

During this puppy and dog training course you’ll discover how to choose the right puppy for you, how to avoid buying a ‘puppy farm’ puppy and how to select a good breeder instead. Plus the best way to train, teach and socialize your puppy so they grow into a joyful, well balanced and well behaved dog.

Learn how to quickly overcome the 3 top puppy training nightmares…

1) Toileting 2) Chewing 3) Biting

Puppies soil the best carpets, chew the finest furniture and bite with razor sharp teeth. These 3 factors alone are some of the main reasons that puppies are taken to rescue centres or even turned out into the streets. You’ll learn how to quickly overcome these and many other unwanted puppy behaviours fast!

Get it right from the start with these puppy training methods and reap the rewards later on.

This is what people say about this course:

“The instructor is thorough and enjoyable to learn tips and tricks of training puppies. I love her easy practical applications as well as when the training does not go as intended, she reviews the steps and has the pup redo the exercise. She is amazing!”

Karen Gantt

“I started this course a couple of days before we picked up our new cocker spaniel puppy, and I’m so glad we did… the course helped me build the foundations and set out as we mean to go on, every day is progress for both us and our puppy.

Highly recommended for anyone about to embark on a new puppy adventure”

Marie Yvette

“I just got a new Rhodisian Ridgeback puppy and this course was a huge help with my crazy puppy. The sleep recommendations and potty training really worked.

JP Allen

The one time payment for lifetime private label rights, including any future updates, for this course is £997.00


BARF – How to Feed Your Dog a Raw Diet

This dog training – feed your dog a raw diet course is for people who want to feed their dog a diet that is designed to give them optimum health, body weight and longevity and for people who would like to reduce their dog food bills and save a fortune at the vets.

Some dog food ingredients can cause health problems and behavioural issues in dogs such as hyperactivity and aggression. When dogs are fed the right diet dog training either becomes much easier or often the unwanted behaviours simply disappear. 

Here’s what people say about this course:

“I really enjoyed this course because it definitely made this raw feeding process easier to understand. Previously I was at the mercy of internet website to explain this and was completely lost by all of the somewhat contradictory info. I also appreciate all of the info on where to go to find reputable info on line. Thank you Sharon!!”

Debra Callaway

“This course contains good information, it is well presented, succinct and to the point. I enjoyed the lectures and resources available.”


“I enjoyed this course, I’ve been feeding a raw diet to my dogs for years, however sometimes it’s nice to know that I’m on the right lines. The course is easy to follow, the language is simple (no jargon), there is also no judgmental attitude that is present on some raw feeding forums. Thank you, it was great.”

Katherine Wright

The one time payment for lifetime private label rights, including any future updates, for this course is £747.00

Natural Remedies for Health & Dog Training

In this natural remedies for health and dog training course you’ll get the information you need in order to naturally treat common complaints in dogs such as diarrhea, skin conditions, ear infections and joint problems. You’ll discover which herbs, homeopathic remedies, aromatherapy oils and Bach Flowers have miraculous healing effects with so many different disorders.

You’ll also learn what natural remedies are great to use for dog training and how they can help in resolving unwanted behaviours such as:

• Aggression
• Separation Anxiety
• Incessant Barking
• Pulling on the lead
• And much more…

This is what people say about this course:

“I’ve never felt good about giving my dog antibiotics and other medication but didn’t know what else to do. This has all changed for me as I now feel confident and knowledgeable to naturally treat my dog’s ailments and I have put my dog Jasper on a preventative course to support his joints as he’s getting older. I’m really pleased I signed up for this course and highly recommend that other dog owners do too!”

Michael McDonald

“It’s a relief to know that we have other, natural, complementary options to western veterinary medicine.”

Regina Hastings

“Brilliant course for me and my greyhounds I will be using the herbs daily.”


The one time payment for lifetime private label rights, including any future updates, for this course is £747.00



The total cost to purchase all the above 8 dog training courses separately would be £8,476.00 or you can buy the complete dog training bundle for just £6,997.00 – you’ll save £1,479.00!


Master NLP & The Law Of Attraction

When you understand and work favourably with the Law of Attraction life becomes abundant, fulfilling and fun. Things you’ve wanted, sometimes for a long time, appear in your life as if by magic. This could be a promotion at work or a new idea for your business that brings great wealth. It could also be meeting your soul mate, or a health issue healing. The world is your oyster and the possibilities are endless when you align with the law of attraction.

Set yourself free, have clarity and get your ideal life with this Law of Attraction and NLP course.

This is what people say about this course:

“I’ve read many books on LOA and NLP but it was mainly all conceptual. This course by Sharon explains the concepts in a very concise way. Sharon does a great job sharing tangible steps to APPLY these concepts. Many books I’ve read had complex techniques to practice, but Sharon’s techniques are very simple and straightforward. That alone makes me satisfied with this course. Thank you Sharon for your knowledge.”

Phat Tran

“I have studied, learned and used NLP for over a decade but never really thought of using the Law of Attraction with it. Not only does Sharon Bolt seamlessly integrates the two in this course, but she gives you a step-by-step, definitive plan of action to take over the next 30 days to truly help you to get the money, life and life that you want. I appreciate that she integrates video, lectures, audio downloads and written resources into her teachings. She truly knows her stuff!”

Tim Houston

“Good combination of NLP and LOA. Better than a lot of other courses on this subject.”

Mike Newton

The one time payment for lifetime private label rights, including any future updates, for this course is £997.00



The total cost to purchase all the above 8 dog training courses and the NLP and LOA course separately would be £9.473.00 or you can buy the complete dog training and NLP & LOA course bundle for just £7,497.00 – you’ll save £1,976.00!


Sharon has 10,000+ students in 135 countries

And are of very high quality – many of the lectures where filmed by a professional production company.


Licensing is by application only and is only granted after meeting our high standards. Here’s what to do…

Select the course/s/bundle that you would like to licence.

Email us at putting ‘Course Licensing Request’ in the subject line with the following information inside the email:

*Your name

*Where in the world you’re based

*About you – your company and links to your website and social media accounts – the more information you can give us the better

*Which course/s/bundle you’d like to licence

*Where you plan to sell the course/s

Once the licence is approved you’ll receive the original videos and course resources via OneDrive within 24 business hours.


✅ You’ll have access to all original course videos and resources such as eBooks and downloads (if included in the selected course/s).

✅ You’ll be able to use Sharon’s high converting promotional video that goes with the course/s.

✅ You’ll have permission to use the high converting sales copy on Sharon’s Udemy sales pages (or edit where desired) as well as the copy for each individual lecture.

✅ You have access to and can use the royalty free course images that are on this page.

✅ You can sell the course/s on any websites that you own.

✅ You can change the course name, price, description and individual videos to suit your needs.

✅ If you purchase more than 1 course you can sell them separately and/or as a bundle or combine them with other courses you have the rights to.

✅ You can sell part or all of the course/s – for example if an eBook is included in the course/s this can be sold separately.

✅ You can add the course/s to free or paid membership sites.

✅ You keep 100% of lifetime revenue of sales through your website.

✅ You can have the course/s translated into other languages.

✅ You’ll get course updates for life, if Sharon makes any updates to the course/s you’ll receive these updates or additions free of charge.


❌ The course/s cannot be used or sold on any course platforms you don’t own.

❌ You cannot offer Resale Rights, Master Resale Rights, or Private Label Rights.

You can apply for Licensing Rights by emailing and putting ‘Course Licensing Request’ in the subject line with the following information inside the email:

*Your name

*Where in the world you’re based

*About you – your company and links to your website and social media accounts – the more information you can give us the better

*Which course/s/bundle you’d like to license

*Where you plan to sell the course/s


Licensing saves you time, money and effort of creating a course or courses, no need to find an expert in the field or case studies to work with.

Sharon employed a professional production company over a 30 day period to film a lot of the lectures in her courses – it wasn’t cheap and it was very time consuming planing and shooting so many unwanted dog behaviours. Thankfully finding case studies to work with was the easy bit, as her followers queued up for the opportunity to have a free consultation with her!

One of the many benefits of licensing our courses is that they are ready to sell. Our courses are standalone products that you can immediately sell to your audience, and generate revenue.

If you sell one course to your audience, you can sell them many courses. This is the beauty of licensing our courses. Since we have so many courses, imagine how much money you can make if your customers buy multiple courses from you!

About Sharon Bolt – Course Creator

Sharon is a dog training expert and the founder of Good Dogs! During the last 13 years she has contributed to more than 50 different local and national newspapers, magazines, TV and radio shows and has received over £1.5 million ($2 million) in free publicity and free advertising.

Sharon is a regular contributor to, has written for the HuffPost and has been interviewed on some of the top podcast shows from all around the world, she is also the co-author of 2 highly acclaimed books called ‘Successful Women in Business’ and ‘Every Entrepreneurs Guide: Running Your Own Business.’

Sharon was featured in the BBC TV Show ‘Britain’s most embarrassing pets’ and Channel 5’s ‘When TV animals go horribly wrong’, she has also had a regular slot on BBC Radio since 2008 where she answers the listeners’ questions and has helped many celebrities with their doggy dilemmas!

Sharon lives in England with her husband and rescue dog Denzil.

To find out more about what’s included in Sharon’s courses CLICK HERE

You can apply for Licensing Rights by emailing and putting ‘Course Licensing Request’ in the subject line with the following information inside the email:

*Your name

*Where in the world you’re based

*About you – your company and links to your website and social media accounts – the more information you can give us the better

*Which course/s/bundle you’d like to license

*Where you plan to sell the course/s