Good Dogs! Associates

Would you like to earn a remarkable income just by helping dogs and their owners?

Does this sound too good to be true? Well, we assure you it’s not. You can earn an extremely good passive income while at the same time help dog owners all over the world to have the relationship they have always dreamed of having with their dog.

Do you have a list of people that you email on a regular basis? Or do you have connections on the Social Networking Sites such as a fan page on Facebook? Or a YouTube channel? Or do you have a website where people frequently visit? If you’ve answered yes to at least one of these questions then you could earn an amazing amount of passive income just by telling people about something that would greatly benefit them. Not only will they receive information that can really make a difference you will receive a massive 30% commission on the products or services they purchase. If you have a dog related business and would like to offer extra value to your customers or if you are a rescue centre who would like to use the commission as a donation then this is a fantastic way of doing so.

These are the products and services that are included in the Good Dogs! Associate (also known as Affiliate) Programme and the commission offered to you:

Product or Service

You receive
for 1 sale

You receive
for 10 sales

On-Line Advanced Dog Training Course. £179.70 £1797.00
On – Line Dog Training Course. £29.70 £297.00
One Day ‘Dog Training For Humans Workshop’ £59.70 £597.00
Telephone Seminars, Webinars and Membership Dog Training Course. £29.70 £297.00
Telephone Consultation £15.00 £150.00
Webinars £2.99 £29.90
DVD’s (Individual) £4.50 £45.00
CD’s (Depending on CD sold) £3.00 £30.00
E-Books (Depending on book sold) £1.80 £18.00

 Please note If there is a ‘sale’ price or an early booking offer the 30% commission is calculated from the discounted price. For products or services that offer a 2-3 monthly payment option you will receive 30% commission of the monthly amount for 2-3 months.

Please become familiar with the products and services on this website which will be helpful when you are letting people know about them and earning commission. On the DVD section of the website there is a video preview of all the 4 DVD’s.

Here’s the details about the Good Dogs! Membership Site – for a limited time the Silver Membership is currently priced at £14.95 per month. There is also a general question and answer section about this associate programme below too.

Why was the Good Dogs! Membership Site developed?

Being a dog owner can often create questions such as ‘How do I stop my dog from pulling on the lead? How do I stop my dog from barking consistently?’ or ‘How do I stop my dog’s separation anxiety?’ There are also the puppy questions such as ‘How do I toilet train my puppy? How do I stop my puppy from biting my hands and toes?’ and ‘How do I stop my puppy chewing my best things?’ Additionally to the behavioural questions there are food related dilemmas, health and nutrition concerns and questions about vaccinations and micro chipping etc.  

Whilst there are many magazines, books, websites and television shows devoted to dog training, not any one of them cover all the topics required today. If anything they can cause confusion as one book, magazine or website will often contradict the one before. Additionally you look, you read and you watch, but you cannot interact. You can’t ask questions, you can’t give your point of view.

The Good Dogs! Membership Site was developed by Sharon Bolt, founder of Good Dogs!in response to an overwhelming number of requests by people asking her to share her knowledge and expertise. Sharon understands that people need to see what to do, read what to do and be able to interact and ask questions too. Sharon has created a place where people can get ALL their questions answered. She has included a forum for people to mix with like-minded people and combines a fun and light hearted approach too with photo and video competitions with substantial cash prizes.

Why become a Good Dogs! Membership Associate?

Becoming a Good Dogs! Membership Associate gives you the opportunity to earn a significant ongoing passive income. Every time you recommend the site to someone and they join up, you receive 30% commission for the life of their membership.

We value our associates because word of mouth and recommendation is so effective, so we reward our associates very generously and help them as much as we can. Many of our members have joined as a result of someone else’s recommendation, which means that they find the site provides exceptional value and has really helped them.

Typical Associate Questions

Here’s a list of frequently asked questions to help you determine if joining up as a Good Dogs! Membership associate is for you.

Q. How much will you earn?

 A. Silver Membership is £27 per month and Gold Membership is £37 per month. In essence for every member who signs up with your associate link you will receive 30% of either £27 or £37 a month (depending on which one they sign up for) for as long as that member stays in our programme.

As you can see, you only need to have two members sign up using your special associate link and you are earning approx £16 – £22 per month. If you have 10 members sign up, then you’ll be receiving around £81 – £110 a month, every month, for as long as they stay members.


Let’s say that you:-

  • Introduce 10 people who sign up for the Silver Membership and stay in the programme for 10 months. You will receive £810.00

  • Introduce 10 people who sign up for the Gold Membership and stay in the programme for 10 months. You will receive £1,110.00

For introducing 10 people who become members, you will earn between £810 – £1110 after 10 months. This is a win-win situation as the members will be happy as they are receiving great value and getting all their questions answered by Sharon Bolt and her team and you are happy as you’ve earned a great passive income simply by helping people and telling them about the site.



Q. What kind of person joins as an Associate?

A. We have many different types of people who promote our site as associates.

  • People who work in the animal industry. These are vets, dog groomers, pet shops, rescue centres and charities, dog walkers, dog breeders, dog sitting companies, dog food companies, dog product companies, dog insurance companies

  • Bloggers who mention the site in their regular blog postings

  • Non-animal related businesses that have members or lists of people they would like to let know about the site as many of them will have dogs.

  • Speaking associations such as Toastmasters and National Speakers Association who promote the site to their members

Q. What kind of information do Good Dogs! members receive?

A. Some of the information that members receive are as follows:

  • Access to countless amazing and easy to follow video demonstrations for both puppies and dogs that show you ‘how’ to do things rather than just explain what to do. This includes toilet training and how to stop your puppy from biting your hands and chewing your prized possessions! In the ‘dog’ section of the membership site you will see how to stop your dog from pulling on the lead, how to work with dog aggression and how to stop incessant barking and much, much more…

  • Access to a monthly live broadcast with Sharon Bolt where each month she will cover major topics such as dog aggression and incessant barking etc. This will also include a question and answer session to address the biggest challenges you are having with your dog. As a member you will have exclusive unlimited access to all recordings.

  • Access to numerous educational articles regarding puppies on topics such as how to best socialize your puppy, how to have a content puppy when travelling in the car and how to prevent or stop separation anxiety. In the ‘dog’ section you will discover how to deal with food aggression, how to communicate that you are the ‘Pack Leader’ and how to stop your dog from jumping up.

  • Exclusive access to the Good Dogs! forum where you can meet with like-minded people and share ideas. Sharon Bolt will answer a selection of questions on a 2 weekly basis and you can also send in your questions and ideas which will be addressed in live monthly broadcasts.

    and much, much more. For full details please go to the membership page of this website.

Q. Do I have to be a paying member of your membership site to be an associate?

A. No you don’t. However it is a good idea to join as you will not only find the information interesting and useful, but it will help you to recommend the membership to others.

Q. How do I become an associate and does it cost me anything?

A. Simply click on the link below and put your details in where requested. It will cost you nothing. You can start referring straight away. Go to the link and sign up.

Q. What do I do with the code you give me?

A. You use this unique code as your link to our site. So if you already have a website, add a description about the Good Dogs! Membership Site and ensure that your unique code is inserted as the link through to our site.

If you are sending out an email to your client list, insert the unique code into the body of the email as the link through to our site.

Q. How do I get my unique code?

A. After you have become an associate online (using this link) you will be taken to the Good Dogs! Associate Page. This page contains step by step instructions on how to get text or graphic banners which contain your unique code.

Q. How does it work?

A. Our site will remember the users who come to our site by clicking on your unique associate code. This process works using both their computer’s IP address and the cookies in their web browser.

Q. Where can I check how much money I’ve earned?

A. At anytime you can log on to the Associates section of the site using your associate user name and password (which will be emailed to you when you join up as an associate). The direct link to the associate login page is You’ll find lots of instant information about your commissions as well as useful tools to help you promote the site.

Q. How is the money sent to me and how often?

A. You will need to have a Paypal account set up. Commissions will be credited to your Paypal account on a monthly basis.

Q. Do you offer support to your associates?

A. Yes. We offer banners and content for your webpage and emails to send to your contact list. You can also email us with specific questions on We will keep adding more and more material to the Associate section to help you with your marketing.

Q. Do you have some tips for associate success?

A. We want you to be successful and earn commissions from this membership site. So here’s a few simple tips as to how easy this can be.

  • Write a short endorsement testimonial about the membership site. If you are in regular contact with your client base then you would have built up a level of trust. Your recommendation of something you trust will result in people signing up.

  • When sending emails about other subjects, a short personal recommendation with your unique ‘link’ is often enough. Once they get to the site, a high percentage of people will click through.

  • In order to write an effective recommendation, you really need to read all the benefits listed on the membership page of this site to understand what it entails, and ideally have become a member and experienced the site for yourself so you are much better equipped at telling your client base what they can expect.

All that’s left now is to start getting the word out there and direct people to using your associate link. 

This is what people say about Sharon’s services… 


Let’s say that you:-

  • Introduce 10 people who sign up for the Silver Membership and stay in the programme for 10 months. You will receive £810.00

  • Introduce 10 people who sign up for the Gold Membership and stay in the programme for 10 months. You will receive £1,110.00

For introducing 10 people who become members, you will earn between £810 – £1110 after 10 months. This is a win-win situation as the members will be happy as they are receiving great value and getting all their questions answered by Sharon Bolt and her team and you are happy as you’ve earned a great passive income simply by helping people and telling them about the site.


With kind regards,

Sharon Bolt and the Good Dogs! Team