‘Know What To Do When Unwanted Situations Arise’ Dog Training On-Line Course.
We like to offer a personal touch wherever possible and every lesson comes with a link to at least one video where you see Sharon Bolt (founder of Good Dogs!) talk about that lesson’s topic(s). There is also a transcript(s) of the video(s) so you can read what was said plus additional videos that give you step-by-step demonstrations of how to do the methods discussed.
Each lesson has a written lesson with home play (its far too much fun to be called work!) which will take about 30 minutes to complete. Once you’ve completed the home play simply email it to us and Sharon or one of her trusted Good Dogs! Specialists will go through your paper, highlighting where you’ve done well and give any suggestions that may be of further benefit to you.
We will then email you your paper back and will send you the next lesson. This will include at least one video where Sharon talks about the topic, written transcript(s) of what was said, demonstration videos that show you exactly how to do the methods discussed, a written lesson and home play related to the topic/s covered. This continues until all lessons are completed.
Please note: It is not essential to complete the home play to receive the next lesson although we highly recommend that you do as people tend to learn more when they write things down and answer questions.
LESSON ONE – An introduction to dog psychology and how your dog’s mind works as well as…
- How to demonstrate your higher ranking status during feeding.
- How to overcome food aggression.
- How to best work with dogs who steal food.
- How to establish your higher ranking position when greeting your dog.
- How guests should enter your home so they are seen as higher ranking members.
- How to stop jumping up.
LESSON TWO – What the walk really means to a dog and how you can establish your leadership in this vital area.
- How to get your dog to walk by your side using simple, quick and easy methods.
- How to stop your dog from barging out the front door before you!
- How to get your dog to come back when off the lead and recall training.
LESSON THREE – Barking and territorial behaviour.
- How to stop your dog from going ballistic when someone comes to your front door or passes your window.
- How to stop persistent barking in the back garden.
- Why the postman situation empowers a dog!
- How to work with dogs who bark at people and noises.
LESSON FOUR – Other common behaviours.
- How to best work with dog aggression and why it happens in the first place.
- How to overcome Separation Anxiety, why it happens and what owners normally do that makes it ten times worse!
- Your dog is talking to you all the time! Discover how to recognize dominant and submissive signals in order to avoid an attack from happening.
- Learn how to read what your dog is really saying to you!
For ultimate results and long lasting success it is essential to meet ALL the areas that your dog looks for leadership not just the areas that appear to be a problem. All these areas are covered in the four lessons.
What’s included in the Dog Training On-Line Course:
- You’ll get 4 lessons – 7 Videos , 7 Transcripts, Numerous videos that show you exactly how to do the methods, 4 written lessons and 4 Home plays.