Dog Training Course On-Line – Lesson 3

Know What To Do When Unwanted Situations Arise – Dog Training On-Line Course.

Hello and Welcome to Lesson 3 🙂

This lesson is called:

Why dogs bark and what they are really saying.

This is the 4th area (the other 3 were covered in lesson 1 and 2) that many dogs look for leadership. During this video I explain what to do if your dog goes mad when someone knocks on your door or if they bark persistently in the back garden.

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Click Here To Read The Transcript To This Video

During this video I show you some simple techniques for you to do when someone knocks on your door which gives your dog the communication that you are in charge.

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In this video I demonstrate some easy methods that will stop your dog from barking persistently in the back garden.

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Do you have a dog who is fearful of men and barks nervously at them? In this video I show you what to do and how to change this.

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Lesson 3’s written lesson and home play… 

Click Here To Read Lesson 3

Please scroll down to read and complete Lesson 3’s Home Play questions.

Once you’ve completed the Home Play just click SUBMIT and we’ll send you the link for Lesson 4.


Wishing you all the very best,

Sharon and ‘The boys’  











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