Know What To Do When Unwanted Situations Arise – Dog Training On-Line Course.
Hello and Welcome to Lesson 2 🙂
This lesson is called:
What the walk really means to your dog.
In my experience, the walk is the most common area that dogs look for leadership. If your dog is barging out the door first or pulling on the lead then they are demonstrating their leadership to you. During this video I explain how you can become the leader rather than the follower in this vital area and how to get your dog to come back when they are off the lead. This is the third area that dogs look for leadership (the first two were covered in lesson one).
[leadplayer_vid id=”51A86AAC919DF”]Click Here To Read The Transcript To This Video
In this video I demonstrate how to prepare for the walk in order to have a pleasurable experience when you go out.
[leadplayer_vid id=”51A86D523FF47″]
In this video I demonstrate an easy technique that quickly stops dogs from pulling on the lead plus what to do if your dog ‘mouths’ the lead.
[leadplayer_vid id=”51A86DBE6DAC4″]In this video I show you another simple method that stops dogs from pulling on the lead fast, plus a technique that integrates dogs who are dog aggressive.
[leadplayer_vid id=”51A86E12316F0″]In this video I talk about ‘Recall Training’ and how to get your dog to come back when they are off the lead.
[leadplayer_vid id=”51A86E9164F08″]Watch this video to find out what ‘The points to remember’ are when your dog is off the lead.
[leadplayer_vid id=”51A86EFD2AE32″]Lesson 2’s written lesson and home play…
Please scroll down to read and complete Lesson 2’s Home Play questions.
Once you’ve completed the Home Play just click SUBMIT and we’ll send you the link for Lesson 3.
Wishing you all the very best,
Sharon and ‘The boys’