Dog Training Classes – A Cheap Way To Stop Bad Behaviour FAST!

Dog Training Classes – A Cheap Way To STOP Bad Behaviour FAST!

Are you a dog owner who is: 

  • Worried that your dog’s unwanted behaviour is getting worse and you’re not sure what to do to stop this? 
  • Frightened about what they might do and don’t really trust them? 
  • Embarrassed by your dog’s behaviour and wish you had more control with them? 
  • Trying your very best to help their behaviour but fear you’re making it worse? 
  • Worried that people think your dog is unruly and that you’re not a capable dog owner? 
  • Looking for dog training classes that are cheap but gives you the solution to STOP unwanted behaviours FAST.

If you’ve said yes to one or more of these questions then the truth is you’re not alone. We regularly hear dog owners pain and embarrassment and how they would like to know what to do to change this situation. 

If this resonates with you then we’ve got some very good news for you. This is why… 

We are holding a 5 Day Advanced Dog Training Course starting on: 

Saturday 12th October – Wednesday 16th October inclusive. 

Our focus for the course is to give people as many ‘real life’ situations as possible and on day 3, 4 and 5, there are ‘live’ consultations. 

We are therefore offering a very limited number of spaces during the course for dog owners to get help with their dog at a massively discounted rate.

There are both inside and outside consultations… 

Inside consultations 

These inside consultations are about teaching you your dog’s language, why they are demonstrating unwanted behaviours and what you can do in order to change things, which means you will not bring your dog with you as they already know this language! 

Some of the behaviours covered during the inside consultation are: 

  • Pulling on the lead
  • Incessant barking
  • Dog aggression with people and other dogs
  • How to stop jumping up
  • Separation anxiety
  • Nervousness
  • And much more… 

You will need to come to Crawley, West Sussex to have the consultation. 

This is what Medina and Danny Outen from Standford-Le-Hope, Essex said after attending an inside consultation:

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This is what Gail Brazier from Horsham, Sussex wrote after her inside consultation:

I would like to thank you for the advice and guidance that I received throughout our consultation. Tug has become so calm that even my nieces and nephews are a lot happier around him and they don’t like dogs at all. He doesn’t jump up or go mad when I arrive home now and hasn’t been boisterous towards my son Harry. He just sleeps in the evenings rather than jumping up at me to get on my lap! He seems better on the lead too, which is fantastic. Thanks again you were brilliant. 

This is what Roz Malone from Huntingdon, Cambshire said after her inside consultation:

I’d like to start by saying how beneficial the training I received was, and I am so glad I decided to continue on the journey to Crawley despite Ozzie chewing though his car harness halfway down the M11! In previous dog training we have been to the instructor was difficult to approach almost aloof and gave mixed and unclear training advice, which left us more confused than we were at the start of the session! 

However, this training was the complete opposite and such a refreshing change.

Time was taken to see exactly what areas I found difficult with Ozzie, such as pulling on the lead and jumping up and nipping. Each area was tackled in turn and only moved on to the next area when my trainer could see that I had enough confidence in my abilities to handle each area. 

When we returned home I immediately started putting into practice all that we had learnt, and also sat everyone else in the family down and let them know how we should behave around Ozzie , to reinforce his position as a lower pack member. The change in Ozzie has been stunning. I have seen that he has become more relaxed, even my brother and his daughter have sat next to Ozzie without him nipping or getting overexcited! 

I have absolutely no hesitation in recommending Good Dogs and your training sessions to friends, and have in fact already done so. I am now looking forward to walks and spending time with Ozzie as I know that I can handle any situation with the right approach and in turn Ozzie will grow up to be a balanced and happy dog, I can’t thank you enough. 

This is what Kay Duffy – Sharpthorne, Sussex wrote after her inside consultation:

I was given a huge amount of information on how to improve my ‘top dog’ skills and Dexter is responding really well, he is now walking on the lead and looking up at me for leadership. I am really enjoying training him now because he’s responding so well. The improvement was immediate and I was really surprised I managed to make a difference so quickly. I returned from the consultation and found that the whole house was calmer….. even the cats made an appearance with Dexter…. up until then they made great efforts to avoid him at all cost. I can now see the light at the end of the tunnel! 

There are 3 allocated slots for the inside consultations: 

Monday 14th October at 10am – Sharon Bolt will be holding the consultation with the group observing. 

Monday 14th October at 2pm – The group will be holding the consultation with Sharon overseeing. 

Tuesday 15th October at 10am – The group will be holding the consultation with Sharon overseeing. 

Outside Consultations 

These outside consultations are for people who need help with dogs who: 

  • Pull on the lead.
  • Have Dog Aggression.
  • Have any outside unwanted behaviours such as chasing cars, jogger cyclists.
  • Jump up at people when outside.
  • Bark at people and other dogs when outside. 

Successful applicants will need to bring their dogs to Crawley, Sussex to receive the training with the group (with Sharon overseeing) for these outside consultations. 

There are limited number of spaces available on: 

Tuesday 15th October at 2pm.

Wednesday 16th October at 10am. 

This was Sally Attfield’s from Eastbourne, Sussex SHOCKED reaction after having an outside consultation:

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See what number out of 10 Peter Arnold from Broadstairs, Kent gave us after his consultation. 

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This is what Karen Lehwald from Lindfield, Sussex wrote after her consultation:

Since taking on board the techniques you have taught me, I am more confident with my dog and know how to hold myself, so I come across to him as a leader. He no longer scratches my legs with his jumping up when I come home nor does he bark his head off the minute I put my key in the door. This problem I managed to solve the very day I came home from my consultation! Unbelievable! 

The lead pulling is much improved and I am recommending you to everyone who has even the slightest problem with their dog, singing your praises to anyone who will listen as you made it all so simple to understand, and answered any questions I asked. 

With many, many thanks.

During both inside and outside consultations: 

  • You’ll get the knowledge, confidence and ability to be the very best for your dog and know exactly what to do when unwanted situations arise. 
  • You’ll learn the areas your dog looks for leadership and HOW you can become the Pack Leader without shouting, hitting or using force – this information is vital in order for you to get quick and lasting results. 
  • You’ll discover how to get your dog to take notice of you when you give her a command so that she looks at you for direction knowing she can trust in you to take care of her. 
  • You’ll discover techniques that will make training easy and give you quick results. 

What you will also get after the consultation:


This consists of:

  • 7 on-line videos which explain the main areas your dog looks for leadership and how you can meet these expectations in a kind and gentle way. They explain how to to change unwanted behaviours such as:

–   Pulling on the lead
–   Incessant barking
–   Dog aggression with people and other dogs
–   Separation anxiety
–   Nervousness
–   And much more…

  • The video’s also include how to read what your dog is saying to you, what they are communicating through body language and how they calm themselves, you and other dogs down!
  • You’ll also get written transcripts for all 7 videos – everything Sharon says during the videos is written down for you.
  • There are also numerous videos that show you EXACTLY how to do the methods that are discussed.

These videos and transcripts totally compliment your consultation, they are great reference to the information you’ll be given AND a fantastic way to share your knowledge with any family members who were not able to come along to the consultation.

The cost of the consultation is normally £299.00 and

The cost of the ‘How to be the leader your dog is looking for…Naturally’ package is normally £59.99

The total amount would normally cost £358.99

BUT you can have one of these consultations (subject to availability) AND ‘How to be the leader your dog is looking for…Naturally’ package  for only:


Which is a saving of £329.00

If you need some help and want to benefit from this MASSIVE discount then this is what you need to do now…

To sign up for an inside consultation on:

Monday 14th October at 10am – Sharon Bolt will be holding the consultation with the group observing.


Monday 14th October at 2pm – The group will be holding the consultation with Sharon overseeing. 


Tuesday 15th October at 10am – The group will be holding the consultation with Sharon overseeing. 


To sign up for an outside consultation on:

Tuesday 15th October at 2pm – The group will be holding the consultation with Sharon overseeing. 


Wednesday 16th October at 10am –  The group will be holding the consultation with Sharon overseeing.


Please Note: As places are limited and demand is high it’s possible that more than one person will request the same consultation at similar times. Should this be the case the person who books first and submits the required details will be allocated the slot and the other person/s will be offered an alternative date (if available) or given a full refund. 

Due to high demand once a date and time is confirmed the consultation is non-changeable and non-refundable.