Dog Behaviour – Get Your Dog Questions Answered FAST!

Dog Behaviour – Get Your Dog Questions Answered FAST!

As a dog owner do you ever feel…

  • That you are trying to do the best for your dog but nothing seems to work and they take no notice of you  and do what they like?
  • You’d really like the knowledge and confidence to know what to do when unwanted situations arise and understand more about dog behaviour?
  • Worried that people think you have no control over your dog?
  • It would be so good to know where you’re going right and how to change where you’re going wrong.

If you’ve answered yes to any (or all!) of these questions then you’re not alone, you are like so many other dog owners. 

At Good Dogs! We understand just how much you love your dog and that you want them to be happy, healthy and well-behaved. We also understand that sometimes you just need to speak to an expert who can answer your questions, point you in the right direction and give you natural methods that are kind, gentle and extremely effective, all from the comfort of your home or office.

That’s why we created our ‘Get your dog questions answered fast’ programme.

During the programme you’ll get…

  • Expert advice regarding your specific questions and concerns with your dog, whether it is unwanted behaviour, dietary advice or natural health tips.
  • The knowledge and confidence you need to make a positive difference with your dog when unwanted situations arise with kind, gentle and easy methods.
  • Information regarding the areas your dog looks for leadership and HOW you can become the Pack Leader without shouting, hitting or using force – this information is vital in order for you to get quick and lasting results.
  • The information you need in order to be the very best for your dog – by the end of the programme you’ll understand their language, discover what they are saying to you (they are communicating to you all the time!) and know how they see the world.
  • Receive the answers to your questions in the convenience and comfort of your own home or work. 
  • Reassurance where you are already doing things right and suggestions where some ‘fine tuning’ may be beneficial.

What the programme includes:

  • Sharon Bolt’s (founder of Good Dogs!) ‘Leadership first, then affection’ E-Book – You get this as soon as you sign up for the programme so you start getting invaluable information straight away

You’ll also get:

  •  A personalized 30 minute telephone consultation/Skype call with Sharon Bolt (founder of Good Dogs!) where she will answer any dog related questions that you have

The cost of the ‘Get your dog questions answered quick’ programme is £79.99.

At Good Dogs! we only like happy customers so we GUARANTEE that if you are not completely satisfied at the end of the telephone consultation you get a FULL REFUND.

To sign up for the ‘Get your dog questions answered quick’ programme for only £79.99 and start receiving the vital information you need to stop unwanted behaviours straight away click on the ‘ADD TO CART’ button below:

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This is an email Sharon received from Barbara Carter who needed help with her Miniature Schnauzer…

Hi Sharon,

We have a Miniature Schnauzer who WILL NOT do any of his business in the garden even if he is absolutely bursting to relieve himself.  He yaps at the door, we let him out, he then runs to the back garden gate and just wants to be taken out to go to the toilet and just yaps and jumps up at the gate.

Take for example the last couple of nights, he seemed to have an upset stomach and has been waking us at silly hours of during the night to go out.  He will not do anything in the garden even with this stomach upset, so my husband has had to put on some outdoor clothing and take him out, where, yes, he has performed.  Anything but fun at 1.30 am, 4.35 am and 5.20 am as you can imagine and is really starting to get us down now.  More nights like this and I’m sure we will be turning into ZOMBIES!!

I really do hope you can help please.

Many thanks.

Barbara Carter

This is Barbara’s feedback after her telephone consultation…

Well Sharon I’m pleased to report that all is going ‘good’ with Alfie and his toileting in the garden – Yippee!!  He now knows he can do his business in the garden and not have to yap at the garden gate to go out for ‘walkies’. Oh it is utter bliss Sharon, not having to go walkies whenever Alfie needs to relieve himself.  My husband was up at 12.45 am this morning as Alfie was wanting the toilet and he was let out into the back garden, did what he had to do, came in and then we didn’t have another peep out of him. That just would not have happened before as we would have had to taken him out for a walk.  We just cannot put into words how happy that makes us Sharon and cannot thank you enough for your help, all is going good for us, thanks to YOU!!

This was a follow up email a few weeks later…

Both my husband and I still can’t quite believe how good Alfie is now when he needs to toilet.  Take for example Wednesday and ThursdayVERY EARLY MORNINGS last week, as Alfie had a tummy upset, which the vet said is going around with the doggies round here, he had us up at 1.45 and 4.15 AM wanting to relieve himself.  It was so great just being able to open the back door and let him out into the garden and then him come in when he had finished doing his business, ‘SHEER BLISS’.  No more very early morning street walking, PHEW!!!!!!

So Sharon as I have said before we just cannot thank you enough for your kind help in this matter and we are so often singing your praises and well deservedly too.

Thanks again Sharon for everything!

Kind regards

Barbara Carter

To sign up for the ‘Get your dog questions answered quick’ programme for only £79.99 and start receiving the vital information you need to stop unwanted behaviours straight away click on the ‘ADD TO CART’ button below:

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