Bonfire And Firework page

Hello and thank you for signing up for ‘The Bonfire and Firework Dog Training’ Package.

Below are the videos, webinars and links to all your goodies 🙂


Firecracker Product Number 1 – How To Be The Owner Your Dog Is Looking For … NATURALLY


In this section I talk about different unwanted behaviours such as:

  • Pulling on the lead
  • Dog Aggression
  • Incessant barking
  • Separation Anxiety
  • Jumping Up
  • And much much more…

I explain why these behaviours occur and what you can do to change them in a kind, calm and effective way. In order to help you further there are transcripts and videos that demonstrate and clarify the methods that I suggest so that you know EXACTLY what to do when unwanted behaviour happens.

Click Here To Go To The ‘How to be the owner your dog is looking for…naturally’ page


Firecracker Product Number 2 – A Treasure Chest of Dog Training Gold.


This treasure chest consists of 4 Puppy and Dog Training DVD’s, 2 CD’s and an E-Book.

Find out the exact methods I’ve used that has turned so many stressed out dogs (and owners!) into happy and well behaved pooches FAST!

The DVD’s and CD’s will be posted to you.

Click Here to read and download my ‘leadership first, then affection’ E-Book.


Firecracker Product Number 3 – Get Your Dog Questions Answered FAST During A Live Q and A Webinar. 


This live Q and A Webinar is on:

Wednesday 27th November at 7pm (GMT).

We will email you more details nearer the time 🙂


Firecracker Product Number 4 – Learn How To Feed Your Dog The Way Nature Intended And Reap The Benefits Of A Vibrant And Healthy Dog. (Recorded Webinar) 


Not only is it true that ‘You are what you eat’ it’s equally true that ‘Your dog is what you feed them’. I expect that you will not be surprised to hear that I don’t feed my dogs on conventional dog food but use a natural feeding method for puppies and dogs (and cats) called B.A.R.F.

B.A.R.F stands for Bones And Raw Food or Biologically Appropriate Raw Food.

Would you like a diet that gives your dog:

  •      Fresh breath, pearly white teeth and healthy gums?
  •      An amazing digestive system which means no offensive wind or ‘dragging’ their bottom along your carpet?!
  •      Vibrant health which potentially increases your dog’s life span and quality of life?
  •      A shiny healthy coat and clear, bright eyes?
  •      Firmer stools with reduced quantity?
  •      A broad, natural and varied diet without chemicals, preservatives or colourings?
  •      A happy, healthy and well balanced dog?

And gives you:

  •     Huge savings on vet’s bills – due to radiant health.
  •     Huge savings on feeding costs.

During this recorded Webinar (which is usually only for my VIP Members) I explain about this feeding method and the amazing health benefits it can have on your dog(s).

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Firecracker Product Number 5 – Safe A Fortune And Treat Your Dog Naturally With The Best Natural Remedies For Dogs – Without Side Effects (Recorded Webinar).


Imagine having a set of natural remedies that will empower you to know exactly what to do when your dog is feeling poorly…

During the recorded Webinar you will discover:

  •     What is the ‘miracle’ and cost effective supplement that every dog owner should have – it’s amazing for humans too!
  •     What natural remedies are brilliant for skin conditions.
  •     How to best treat car sickness naturally.
  •     What natural remedies are very effective for unsociable wind! (This is magic for humans too!)
  •     How to naturally treat diarrhoea or constipation in dogs (The same natural remedies work amazingly well in humans too!).
  •     What natural remedies are great to use with bladder/kidney infections.
  •     What are the best natural remedies for joint pain, arthritis etc.
  •     What mineral is a must for any dog that has diabetes or unquenchable thirst (This is also a extremely good for humans who have this too!).
  •     What are the best natural remedies to take before and after an operation which aids a very speedy recovery (The same works wonders with humans too!).
  •    A natural first-aid kit.

You’ll find out exactly how in the Webinar below plus you’ll save a fortune in the process!

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Firecracker Product Number 6 – How To Best Support Your Dog During Fireworks Video.


Bonfire night and fireworks is a nightmare time of year for so many dog owners. Of course the main problem is that the 5th of November is just the start of the firework season and celebrations. A lot of displays start before the 5th and continue long after the New Year which is why I’ve recorded a video explaining how to best support our four legged friends during this time.

During the video you will learn:

• The ‘Golden Rules’ to follow when loud noises or fireworks occur. (Ignoring these will create a distressed and frantic dog and owner).

• The biggest mistake dog owners make during firework night which ends in disaster.

• Why dogs run, pant and pace during fireworks and HOW you can gently stop this.

• What you can do NOW to stop upsets when fireworks go off.

• What is the cheapest and most effective tool you can use during firework night – All dog owners ALREADY have this without realizing it.

• Natural Remedies which can have a huge calming influence on your dog (and you!).

• How you can desensitize your dog to fireworks so they become accepting of them rather than frightened.

• What is DAP and how it can be effective during firework night.

If you have a dog who is frightened of fireworks then watching this video is a must.

I wish you lots of fun and enjoyment with your dog. By convincing them that you are a calm, confident and strong leader you’ll get a happy, well-balanced and well-behaved dog.

Wishing you all the very best,

Sharon and ‘The boys’ Â