Author Archives: wwwdog

Dog Walking – A Bizarre Method That Works Like MAGIC!

This method that I’d like to share with you, I know, is a bizarre approach to dog walking…

…and it may sound a bit ‘airy fairy’ too.

BUT, it’s HUGELY effective and is something that athletes often do to help them win.

Here’s what to do…

In this scenario you are at your front door ready to take your dog out for a walk.

Firstly, take a deep breath and give yourself a few minutes to feel good.

You may recall a time when you were on holiday and how beautiful the location was, how the food was wonderful and the weather was fantastic. When feeling confident and in high spirits, now is the time to open the door but before you do so remember that it is essential that you go out the door first as you are the leader and your dog is the follower.

This is very clear and concise communication to your dog that you are in charge and leading the way. This is also good as it lets your dog know that it’s not OK to go through entrances before you, preventing them from ‘bolting’ through any open doors or gates which could jeopardize their safety.

It’s very important to keep your thoughts free of past disasters that have happened on the walk and change your expectations from one of dread and ‘what ifs’ to a positive outlook. Anticipate only good things happening such as meeting great people with balanced dogs and all getting on well together.

Visualize your dog walking calmly by your side and looking at you for guidance. Should on any occasion a situation not go to plan don’t be disillusioned, but continue to think only positive thoughts the next day. It may take a while for the ‘momentum’ of your past negative story to change so just keep going. As always please remember that consistency and repetition is the key to success.

What you will very soon notice is that your dog is naturally calm and ready to go out, you too are naturally calm and expecting only good things to happen and you set off by going out the door first.

Visualization is an extremely positive technique, give it a go not just with your dog but in ALL areas of your life!

Click here to get your FREE E-Book that reveals… How To Easily STOP Your Dog From Pulling On The Lead AND How To PREVENT A Dog Attack.

How To Stop A Dog Pulling On The Lead

Before getting your dog did you dream of having long, pleasurable walks with them? For it to be an opportunity for you to keep fit and breathe in fresh air?

Does your dog pull you down the road with the walk being more stressful than pleasurable?

If you’d like some help with how to stop a dog pulling on the lead then give these easy methods a go 🙂

Should your dog try to pull in front of you, give a quick firm jerk of the lead towards you, rather than upwards, this must not hurt them but gain their attention. You may want to add a firm word such as ‘Hey’ or ‘No’ to further get their attention.

Once you have done this correction and got your dog’s interest, relax your arm and shoulders, ensure you have no tension as what you feel transmits down the lead like an electric current! Walk forward, your head held high, chest forward and relax. Resist looking down at your dog anticipating that they will pull. Stop to gain your composure when needed and remember to breathe!

You can also stop and change direction at any time, your thoughts are, ‘You are coming with me, on my terms.’ This is a good way to confuse a dog (in a good way) who believes they are making the decisions and help relinquish them of the top dog status, which has caused you both a great deal of stress in the past.

Imagine going on a walk with your dog walking calmly by your side, looking at you for guidance and direction. This is what you can look forward to so give it a go!

Click here to get your FREE E-Book that reveals… How To Easily STOP Your Dog From Pulling On The Lead AND How To PREVENT A Dog Attack.

Dog Aggression – But Only When On The Lead. Ever Wondered Why?

Dog aggression is something we see and hear a lot about today. One of the common things dog owners say to me is,

“My dog becomes anxious and aggressive when on the lead, if we meet another dog, but is fine when off the lead.”

Ever Wondered why?

This is the reason…

When dogs are in a situation they are not sure about their first choice of avoidance is to run, if that is not possible their next option is to freeze or growl and the last response is to attack. Most dogs use these options in that order which is why so many dogs are much better with other dogs off the lead as their first option to run is available to them.

Dogs will avoid confrontation unless they are either a dominant dog who means business! Or have learnt to attack before being attacked due to association. It is always important to remember that whilst dogs do not live in the past, they can associate with previous experiences.

You’ll be able to tell other dog owners who have this problem now – I hope they’ll be suitably impressed! 🙂

Click here to get your FREE E-Book that reveals… How To Easily STOP Your Dog From Pulling On The Lead AND How To PREVENT A Dog Attack.

Why The Postman Makes Dog Barking 10 Times Worse!

Dog barking, growling and the baring of teeth are some of the threatening behaviours our postmen receive when they deliver our mail.

Does your dog go mad when the postman delivers your letters? Have you ever wondered why your dog is so determined to ‘see them off?!’

Here’s why… 

The postman comes to your house most days and puts mail through the letterbox, which for some dogs is seen as potential danger which they try to ‘attack’. The dog barks, growls and demonstrates threatening behaviour and the postman walks away. The dog is triumphant, their behaviour has been successful as the postman never enters the house but instead submits and walks away!

Dogs are not like us, they don’t rationalize, they believe their behaviour has kept potential danger away and they have protected the pack. In a dog’s mind, they have done their job extremely well and will certainly repeat that behaviour should the postman dare to return!

This also adds fuel to the fire…

Dog owners can become upset and frustrated with their dog’s reaction when the postman delivers, which further confirms to the dog that there is something to worry about, enhancing the dog’s ferocious determination to keep the postman away.

Food for thought…!

Click here to get your FREE E-Book that reveals… How To Easily STOP Your Dog From Pulling On The Lead AND How To PREVENT A Dog Attack.